Chapter 1

This is a diary. I don't really see the point of this, but now that I've written in it I can't return the notebook. Oh, well.
The weather'slovely outside. So, I'm going on a walk later.

Chapter 2

The grocery list:

Chapter 3

I'm writing this hesitantly but since the point of a diary is for "personal use," no one else will read it--A man from the flee market was giving me quick glances from the booth next to me.
Shades of red flushed his cheeks as he shys his gaze from mine, such a dreamboat. I saw him early this morning when I ran errands. This indirect interaction filled me with so much curiosity now. Should I ask him if he wants to go apple-picking with me next Saturday? Is this... Too forward? I'm suppose I won't be seeing him around.

Chapter 4

It's a funny thing--trying to remember what I'm writing this for, and stuffing ths diary behind my pillow every night--I've been writing every now and then and I'm already used to the practice.
I went out shopping with the girls on Monday, helped Ma with the house on Tuesday, Pa took me to Orientation Day on Wednesday, and I helped Angie meal-prep (Friday evening) for the cookout tomorrow. So much to do in such a short time... Things feel a little hectic as of late, but they're good things, nevertheless. The only thing I'm unsure about is university. Pa may have taken me to Orientation Day, but Ma's already got me a handful of suitors lined-up for me. Half of my friend group have already enrolled in reputable schools, and the other half are engaged. Judy, who is only a year younger than me, is expecting her first child with her husband, Michael. It looks like they know what they want and are set for life, meanwhile I'm still indecisive. See, Ma believes I'm responsible enough to carry a household on my back and can make a good wife, but Pa believes that education must come first before marriage. Am I ready for marriage? Yes, but if I choose that before education, it almost feels like a cop-out from a challenge that awaits me in university. Yet, from what I hear, people get engaged or married while they pursue their studies as well. So, does it even matterwhenI'm ready to tie the knot? The guy from the flea market randomly crossed my mind when Angie and I went to buy the ingredients for the cookout. The thought of having a second encounter in the same situation made sense to me, but only for a moment. Life doesn't work that way, though.

Oh, lord! My fingers are cramping. This is the longest I've ever written in a notebook. I'll call it a night. Hopefully I get things figured out soon!

A stroke diving the page from the footer.